Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lex vs. Scott Interview (Complete) (Almost)

Lex Dover interviews Scott Wishart (Lunchbox Records) for All Killer:

LD: Who do you think you are?
SW: Uh, I think I’m Scott.

LD: Is that right?
SW:I hope so. But I don’t know, I could be someone else. I could be dreaming and thinking that I’m Scott but really I’m another person and this is just a really big dream. I really don’t know. Or I could be dead and this could be the afterlife and I could be reincarnated as someone else and I could still not be Scott.

LD: So, what hot new bands are you into?
SW: You know, A Hero A Fake.

LD: What is it that you like about school and maybe that you don’t like about your parents?
SW: What do I like about school? That I don’t go to it anymore. What was the second part?

LD: And maybe what you don’t like about your parents…
SW: My mom likes to touch everything and my dad sometimes is a bit bigoted.

LD: I’ve been to your house and seen your music collection. You own a record store, so tell me- Is music your passion?
SW: No. Fruit is my passion.

LD: Fruit?
SW: Alright, passion fruit.

LD: Are you guys hiring right now?
SW: Did you get this shit from our website?

LD: No.
SW: No!

LD: Do you give out applications anyway when people come in and ask?
SW: I should for my own humor, but no I don’t because I keep saying I’m going to make one with the most ridiculous questions ever just so I can read them later and laugh… But I don’t want to be that big of a dick.

LD: A little birdie told me you recorded some drums for the Red House Painters a few years back. Which album are you on and which tracks?
SW: I’m on the album they just reissued, Songs for A Blue Guitar. I’m on the first song on there. Yeah, I play on “Have You Forgotten.”

LD: Just that one song?
SW: Yeah, just that one song.

LD: Is punk rock for all ages or just for children?
SW: I think it’s for all ages.

LD: What are your biggest pet peeves?
SW: How much tape do you have? Pet peeves about what? You have to narrow this down, I have a lot of pet peeves.

LD: I don’t know…
SW: People that walk around all day sipping coffee cups.

LD: Coffee cups?
SW: Yeah, you know they never finish the coffee. Those people. They always have a cup of coffee, they never finish. That’s like someone who nurses a beer. They just never finish. People who don’t use turn signals. People who talk on their cell phone in line at the bank or when I’m ringing them up in here.

LD: That’s pretty much what I was looking for.
SW: There’s millions more.

LD: But those are probably the biggest ones.
SW: Not necessarily. The only ones I can think of off the top of my head… People who say “vinyls.”

LD: Vinyls? What do you mean? Like “Hey, I’m gonna bring some vinyls in to have you look at them?”
SW: Yeah. (laughs)

LD: So have you had any close calls lately?
SW: Close calls with…

LD: Just in general. Any close calls.
SW:… No. No, I can’t think of anything.

LD: Where’s your God now Scott?
SW: My God?

LD: Yes. That would have been a better follow up question if you’d had some close calls.
SW: Oh, oh…

LD: You didn’t have any but I ‘m still going to go ahead and ask you… Where your God is?
SW: He’s at the Chinese place making my food.

LD: Alright. Who do you need when you come undone?
SW: What are these all like fucking song lyrics? I need that God that’s at the Chinese restaurant.

LD: So did you know that was a Duran Duran reference?
SW: No, I didn’t. But I do know this- (Starts singing and humming “Hungry Like A Wolf.”

LD: Are you a very political person?
SW: Uh, not super duper. I think I’m normal.

LD: Have you ever considered running for office?
SW: No!

LD: Have you ever fired a real gun before?
SW: A real gun, no.

LD: Me neither. So what’s your favorite record?
SW: I don’t believe in favorites because favoritism breeds jealousy. I don’t like to choose favorites because the others will feel unwanted and unneeded and they wouldn’t live in harmony with each other and I wouldn’t want to exclude others and make them feel left out and what might be a favorite today might change tomorrow and that might not be my favorite and I have different moods and feelings depending on the day of the week and sometimes within the same minute. I might be bipolar, I don’t know, but it could just be that I like lots of music so I don’t like to choose favorites because favorites is a favor for it and it’s not a favor where there is no flavor.

LD: I’m getting this word for word. This is some gold right here… So what’s up with that place upstairs from you guys? It seems kind of shady.

LD: If you were going to break veg what food would you choose?
SW: Chicken Mcnuggets… The one time I did eat meat, and this was probably only about six months after I became a vegetarian, was chicken Mcnuggets. And that was like a zillion years ago.

LD: Where the Wild Things Are?
SW: I believe they’re at the AMC tonight at 8.

LD: Who’s the boss?
SW: Well they say his name is uh… What’s his name? Uh…

LD: Tony Danza?
SW: Yeah they say it’s him but really I think it’s Alyssa Milano.

LD: What is your least favorite local band? And you can’t say one that you’re in.
SW: Planet Piss.

LD: You’re in Planet Piss.
SW: No I just quit… C’mon I can’t answer that.

LD: Where’d the name Lunchbox come from?
SW: You know Marylin Manson right? Lunchbox something or other. It’s something about lunchboxes and I like it so much that I can’t remember it but I named my store after it. And I really like to eat.

LD: Who do you blame for the economy?
SW: Pat McCrory.

LD: Me too. Do you believe in space aliens?
SW: No, I only believe in terrestrial aliens because I don’t think aliens themselves could survive in space, they would have to live on a planet.

LD: …Okay.
SW: Gotcha!

LD: Do you believe that have been to our planet?
SW: Sure, why not.

LD: I think so too. I want to see that 4th kind movie. What do you think we should about Jake Delhomme?
SW: I don’t know who that is. Sorry.

LD: Am I suspended in gaffa?
SW: Possibly? Is that some sex thing?

LD: Are you strong enough to be my man?
SW: Why do you keep asking me about these masturbatory references? Am I strong enough to be your man? I don’t know, let’s arm wrestle and find out.

(We did not arm wrestle.)

LD: What time is bedtime?
SW: I don’t know, you know. Time to squash a dime. Time to suck a lime. Time to bust a rhyme. Time to kill a mime.

LD: Alright. Well, thank you.
SW: You’re welcome sir.

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